A Brand New Day – Disjointed

A bit of a disjointed walk and talk interrupted by a beagle bouncing off my legs, neighborhood kids loosing control of their own dog, and a flatbed truck picking up a cargo box and blocking the path of a school bus.

Still manage to get some updates out and share some thoughts on a recent change I’ve made.


A Brand New Day – Gantt Charts and Treks

Today I make my first attempt at a 2 mile circuit. Did I do it?

I talk about building my first Gantt chart, a conversation which then takes a left turn into the world of Star Trek wherien I discuss my feelings on the many iterations of Trek we’ve seen over the years.


A Brand New Day – Life

It’s a bit of a somber walk today as I reflect on how life has changed over the past year and a half and how the things I chose to do before the pandemic, and before Baby Girl was born, are not necessarily things I can continue to do today.

Sorry it’s not more upbeat.